Manually map parameters for the historical period of operating model
Interactive plots to specify trends and variability in fishing effort, fleet selectivity, and natural mortality for the operating model.
ChooseEffort(Fleet, Years = NULL)
ChooseM(OM, type = c("age", "length"), x = NULL, y = NULL)
ChooseSelect(Fleet, Stock, FstYr = NULL, SelYears = NULL)
- Fleet
A fleet object.
- Years
An optional vector of years. Should be nyears long.
- OM
An object of class 'OM'
- type
A character string - is M to be mapped by 'age' or 'length'?
- x
Optional vector for x-axis
- y
Optional vector for y-axis
- Stock
Optional Stock object. If provided, average length-at-maturity is included on plot for reference.
- FstYr
Optional value for first historical year. If empty, user must specify the year in console.
- SelYears
Optional vector of values for each year where selectivity pattern changed. If empty, user must specify the years in console (comma separated).
ChooseEffort | Interactive plot which allows users to specify the relative trajectory and variability in the historical fishing effort and populates Fleet object. |
ChooseM | Interactive plot which allows users to specify M by age or size class |
ChooseSelect | Input the first historical year, and all years where selectivity pattern changed (separated by comma). Interactive plot which allows users to specify a range for the length at 5\ selectivity at maximum length for each year. Produces a simple plot which shows the range in selectivity pattern for each break-point year. Selectivity-at-length is fixed in between break-point years. Note that this function replaces 'nyears' in the Fleet object with the value defined here (FstYr:current year). |