Import Stock Synthesis to MOM (2-sex multi-fleet) or OM (single-sex, single-fleet)
Functions that uses the file location or the r4ss output list of a fitted SS3 model including input files to populate the
various slots of an MOM or OM object. SS2MOM
and SS2OM
mainly populates the Stock and Fleet components
components of the operating model. SS2MOM
creates a 2-sex model and multiple fleets with discarding behavior.
returns a single sex (either male, female, or averaged biological parameters) and single fleet (aggregate selectivity and mortality,
no explicit discarding modeled). For either, the user still needs to parameterize most of the observation and
implementation portions. SSMOM2OM
is the internal function that simplifies the MOM object to an OM object.
generates a markdown report to compare the OM and SS output.
nsim = 48,
proyears = 50,
reps = 1,
maxF = 3,
seed = 1,
interval = 1,
pstar = 0.5,
Obs = MSEtool::Generic_Obs,
Imp = MSEtool::Perfect_Imp,
silent = FALSE,
Name = "MOM generated by SS2MOM",
Source = "No Source provided",
gender = 1:2,
filename = "SS2MOM",
dir = tempdir(),
open_file = TRUE,
silent = FALSE,
nsim = 48,
proyears = 50,
reps = 1,
maxF = 3,
seed = 1,
interval = 1,
pstar = 0.5,
Obs = MSEtool::Generic_Obs,
Imp = MSEtool::Perfect_Imp,
import_mov = TRUE,
gender = 1:2,
seasons_to_years = TRUE,
model_discards = TRUE,
silent = FALSE,
Name = "OM generated by SS2OM function",
Source = "No source provided",
Author = "No author provided",
report = FALSE,
filename = "SS2OM",
dir = tempdir(),
open_file = TRUE,
gender = 1:2,
import_mov = TRUE,
seed = 1,
silent = FALSE,
model_discards = TRUE
gender = 1:2,
filename = "SS2OM",
dir = tempdir(),
open_file = TRUE,
silent = FALSE,
- SSdir
A folder with Stock Synthesis input and output files in it.
- nsim
The number of simulations to take for parameters with uncertainty (for OM@cpars custom parameters).
- proyears
The number of projection years for MSE
- reps
The number of stochastic replicates within each simulation in the operating model.
- maxF
The maximum allowable F in the operating model.
- seed
The random seed for the operating model.
- interval
The interval at which management procedures will update the management advice in multiMSE, e.g., 1 = annual updates.
- pstar
The percentile of the sample of the management recommendation for the MP/MMP.
- Obs
The observation model (class Obs). These functions do not update implementation parameters.
- Imp
The implementation model (class Imp). These functions do not update implementation parameters.
- silent
Whether to silence messages to the console.
- Name
The name of the operating model
- Source
Reference to assessment documentation e.g. a url
- ...
Arguments to pass to SS_output.
- x
, an object of either class OM or Hist. Forplot_SS2MOM
, an object of either class MOM ormultiHist
.- gender
An integer that indexes the sex for importing life history parameters (1 = usually female, 2 = usually male, 1:2 = mean across both sexes). Only used for
only in a 2-sex model.- filename
report = TRUE
, character string for the name of the markdown and HTML files.- dir
report = TRUE
, the directory in which the markdown and HTML files will be saved.- open_file
report = TRUE
, whether the HTML document is opened after it is rendered.- import_mov
Logical. Import movement matrix?
- seasons_to_years
Logical, when season is the time step, whether to convert OM from a seasonal model to annual model.
- model_discards
Logical, how to simplify a multi-fleet SS model to an OM object. If TRUE, OM will still model discards using the mean retention across fleets (weighted by fleet F). Otherwise, no discards are modeled and all fishing removals are calculated in the OM from the SS F-at-age matrix.
Who did the assessment
- report
Logical, if TRUE, the function will run runMSE to generate the Hist object from the operating model to compare against SS output. A markdown report will be generated.
MOM object