Optimization function to find a movement model that matches user specified movement characteristics modified for Rcpp.
The user specifies the probability of staying in the same area and spatial heterogeneity (both in the unfished state).
Prob_staying<-0.8 # probability that individuals remain in area 1 between time-steps
Frac_area_1<-0.35 # the fraction of the stock found in area 1 under equilibrium conditions
markovmat<-getmov2(1,Prob_staying, Frac_area_1)
vec<-c(0.5,0.5) # initial guess at equilibrium distribution (2 areas)
for(i in 1:300)vec<-apply(vec*markovmat,2,sum) # numerical approximation to stable distribution
c(markovmat[1,1],vec[1]) # pretty close right?
#> [1] 0.7999999 0.3500000